Starting Well - chapter seven
By Mike Hildebrand
Mike provides us with a practical guide showing how to have
a quiet time. Helping another person become more intimate
with God is an essential goal of discipleship.
He says first show the disciple, “why”. The showing is by using
the Scripture to establish the biblical basis for “Quiet Time“.
The purpose of spending time alone with God daily develops
intimacy with Him and teaches how He wants us to live.
“Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight,
He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He
prayed.” (Mark 1:35)
Jesus was never to busy to pray because He valued His time
alone with His Father and as you should also.
Mike recommends showing them how by using Psalms to help
a new believer begin to talk to God. You can read a psalm
together and then alternate reading verses. You offer a prayer
about something of importance to you. Then have the new
believer take a turn at praying and listen to what your disciple
prays about. You can include that concern into your next
prayer to show this disciple that you do listen and care.
Engaging the Scriptures made easy by Mike Hildebrand using
his simple acronym called “PEA”. The three step process of
understanding God’s Word. As you read Scripture try to
understand how each of those elements reveals a truth and
how these may apply to your life;
P = “Ask what Principle is revealed”,
E = “Ask what Example is revealed ”,
A = “Ask what Application is revealed.”
Now the hard part, follow up; When alone, how are the quiet
times going for the disciple ? Getting them started, you may
need to be a disciple sitter for awhile. Just have the quiet
times separately at the same place at the same time until the
routine is established.
Mike loves to pray the prayer of Jesus: “I have made known
to them, and will continue to make you known in order that
the love you have for me may be in them” (John 17:26)
Recommended Reading by brother george
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