“ Starting Well ”
(Part One “The Heart of a Discipler”)
Chapter One “The Essential Ingredient”
“Your heart to help someone grow”
By Scott Morton
Chapter One is telling us God can use us to help a new believer grow if we have heart. I recall an old saying; “ It is not what you know, it is who you know ”. The author explains “what really matters is who resides in your heart”. Scott refers us to Paul “having God’s power residing in your heart.(1 Cor.2:1-5)” This chapter Essential Ingredient describes the desired attributes for your heart.
A “Interceding Heart” so we may pray for the new believer.
A “Initiating Heart” so we may take the initiative and be courageous in our new relationship.
A “Motherly Heart” so we may have the gentleness to listen and comfort as needed.
A “Fatherly Heart” so we may decide what is needed to prepare that new believer to make it without us.
A “Open Heart” so we may show how the gospel works in our everyday life. It lets them see your struggles and your victories.
A “Blameless Heart” so we may be doing as we are recommending our new believer to do.
“Walking Worthily” gives us the goal to be following up so that the new believer will; “walk in a manner worthy of the God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory.“ (1Thess 2:12 NASB)
Time is our most valuable thing we have to give anyone and that makes new believers feel they are important to us and God.
The Author asks the readers if “Paul’s Discipler Heart” has stirred their heart ? Scott Morton closes this chapter asking; Are you wondering where to start ? Can you think of a new believer that may need a mentor, a loving friend to help with Christian growth ?
A new believer needs someone to take a genuine interest in them.
So allow God to stretch you !
Recommended reading by brother george
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