by john Ortberg
Christian Growth : Zondervan ; Publication Date: 2005
I consider this book to be a good resource for spiritual growth.
This book offers many teachings focusing on your relationship
with God. The author often utilizes the writings of others to
present gems of wisdom. He is a good story teller, that makes
for easy reading and understanding.
Ortberg tells us that "God wants to be with you" and connecting
with God is for everyone. He supports this by stating, that the
most frequent promise in the Bible is; "I will be with you".
Ortberg describes the days when we feel Gods presence as
rainbow days. That we should learn to store up rainbow days to
remember on the days when God seems distant. God is still with
us on those ordinary days. God wants us to learn to see Him on
those ordinary days and in ordinary places. All we have to do is
invite Jesus into whatever we are doing.
God is not always easy to see, but He is every where and you
have to train yourself to find Him in every situation. You can be
with Jesus at any moment, because He is just a prayer away.
He is available in this moment right now, God is so close only a
thought away .
The author suggests, that we give the first thought and the first
word of our day to the one to whom our whole life belongs.
Acknowledge your dependence on God and ask Him to spend
the day with you. Just do the things you normally do only do
them with God.
Ortberg reminds us that, what ever repeatedly enters our mind
will occupy our mind, eventually shaping the mind, and will
express itself in what you do and who you become. Every
thought moves you closer to God or farther from God.
If you are serious about being close to God, then you will have
to spend some time listening for Him. Ortberg explains many
ways to practice listening for God. "God is Closer Than You
Think" shows how you can enjoy a vibrant, moment by moment
relationship with your heavenly Father.
"May you always be covered by the dust from Jesus's sandals."
I think this site is great idea. I find it to be inspiring and motivational.Keep up the good work.