Pocket Gospels & Pregnancy Resource Centers
I volunteer at a crisis pregnancy center and was privileged to share the gospel of John with two ladies the other day. In the morning one woman accepted Jesus as her Savior and decided to keep her baby! In the afternoon another woman came to Christ -- two in one day! Praise God! We love using the PTL pocket testament gospels of John to lead these precious souls to the Lord.

Save a baby and save a soul! God is so good!
Did you know that every day, thousands of babies are aborted in this country? The abortion-determined parent is hard to reach, but we can see from Arlene's story that nothing is impossible with God!
They are often hurting in ways few of us can understand. But thankfully, there is always hope. There are loving and caring counselors at life-affirming pregnancy centers across our nation who speak the truth about life, and who are able to offer a better alternative to a woman looking to have an abortion.
According to TIME magazine, pregnancy centers are playing a role in why abortion rates have lowered in recent years. These centers are beacons of light in a lost and hurting world, and are truly a lifeline to those who come through their doors.
The Pocket Testament League is rolling out a new resource for Pregnancy Resource Centers... a gospel of John titled, “Life is Good”. This cover is designed to convey the idea that not only is life good, but it is also a precious gift from God.
You can make a difference by ordering Gospels of John with this cover to distribute in your local pregnancy resource centers. Please make a donation when you do so we can print even more! What a powerful message these gospels will have in the hands of young women – and men – as they sit in waiting rooms with decisions to make, as they face lives that have been unexpectedly impacted by pregnancy.
You can also order these Gospels to leave at your church, drop off at other local churches, to carry with you, or just to have on hand for those times God will provide a way for you to minister to someone who needs to know and understand that every life is a gift from God and deserves a chance.
Order “Life is Good” today. Lives are waiting to be changed.
YOU can be a part of it NOW !
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