Time for GOD'S Word
From "Daily Pocket Devotions"
Acts 20:10 Paul went down, threw himself on the young man and put his arms around him. "Don't be alarmed," he said. "He's alive!"
Thoughts for Today:
Paul wasn't passive when he saw a problem; he was a man of action. As evidenced in our passage today, when Paul learned that Eutychus had fallen three stories from a window to his death while listening to him preach he went down and "threw himself on the young man and put his arms around him." By doing so Paul saved his life. We don't know precisely how these actions saved Eutychus -- just that they did.
Questions to Ponder:
Sometimes, like the young man, we can all lose our way. I thank God for the people in my life who cared about me and were courageous enough to get involved when I was off course -- who saved my life.
Have you been passing up opportunities to get involved?
Is there anyone in your life who needs your saving hand?
Do you have the courage (and the time) to reach out and assist them?
The next time the Lord touches your heart with a situation,
Have you been passing up opportunities to get involved?
Is there anyone in your life who needs your saving hand?
Do you have the courage (and the time) to reach out and assist them?
The next time the Lord touches your heart with a situation,
yield to His call and you too may save a life.
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