What is The Pocket Testament League?
The Pocket Testament League is a non-denominational ministry that
began in 1893. Headquarters is in Lititz, Pennsylvania. The League is managed
by a 15-person Board of Trustees.
The League is a faith-based ministry focused on helping to see God's Word
shared, and to encourage Christians to Read, Carry and Share the Word of God.
Those who are serious about living their faith join to study Scripture, share
Gospels and be equipped for a lifestyle of evangelism. Those who want to sponsor
others enjoy their role in empowering people to share their faith. Our hearts'
desire is to empower every Christian, regardless of financial circumstances, to
share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with no barrier in the way. Our ability to
provide Gospels is made possible by gifts from individuals, churches,
businesses, missions boards, foundations, and estates. There is no obligation to
give to receive sharing resources.
I'm not experienced in evangelism, so can I
really share my faith?
Yes, you CAN! Thousands of our members are just like you, with no
evangelism training or experience, and they are changing lives! Through ordinary
people just like you, God has led hundreds of thousands to Christ. Remember, God
does all the work. The Pocket Testament League is here to help you. You may be
amazed at how God uses your life and situation to help further the Kingdom.
Do I need special training?
No special training is needed. God provides the training. In many
cases, this is "on the job" training. The Pocket Testament League comes along
side you to act as a support network through prayer, guidance, and other
resources. You might be interested in our innovative and free Evangelism Boot
Camp training program. This powerful 7-part course will help you learn how to
share your faith, is delivered by E-mail and is self-paced, so you can take as
long as you want with each lesson.
Does it cost anything?
A donation is requested at the time of order, but it is possible to
receive Gospels for free. We do not wish to have financial issues become a
barrier for anyone who wants to give away God's Word to others. Our suggested
donation is 65 cents per Gospel, although the actual cost to our ministry is
higher. All our online resources are completely free of any donation
How can I equip others with
We offer a sponsorship program. Those members who are in financial situations
that make it impossible to give can ask for
sponsorship so that they can
receive their Gospels free of charge. We have many sponsors, who seek to
encourage those actively sharing their faith by providing financial support in
the form of Gospel resources. In return, sponsors are rewarded by receiving
stories about changed lives from the people who are being sponsored.
To be sponsored, just place your order and on the checkout page select
"Sponsorship" as the payment option. You'll be placed in a queue and when your
order rises to the top of the list (usually between 7-10 days), your order will
be sponsored by the next sponsorship donation and sent on its way. Your sponsors
are partners in your ministry, so encourage them by posting stories of your
activity, which they'll receive by Email and in their SponsorConnect news
feed. Sponsored orders are limited to one per month, with a maximum of 30 Gospels
of John per order.
Do I get charged for shipping or
No, shipping by standard parcel post is free. You may choose to have
your order shipped more quickly using fast UPS shipping, in which case you would
need to cover the cost of your order, including shipping, using a credit
How many Gospels can I order?
There's no limit if you donate when you order, but we ask that you
order what you think you'll personally share in a month's time, usually 30
Gospels per month. You're encouraged to build a lifestyle of personal
evangelism. For most people, this means putting one Gospel in your pocket each
morning and looking for an opportunity to give it to someone as a free gift in
the course of the day.
If you need more Gospels for a special outreach opportunity, that's fine. We
ask that you use your credit card to make a donation at the time of the order in
an amount that's equal to or greater than the cost to the ministry.