...he did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.
Thoughts for Today:
Imagine for a moment a courtroom setting. A man stands before the judge convicted of murder and awaits sentencing. The judge's own son enters the courtroom to stand at the side of the murderer, then addresses the court: "I am willing to take this man's punishment -- let him go free." But before gavel of judgment can fall, the murderer interrupts to say: "I reject your son's offer. I choose to accept punishment for my own crime." Who among us would feel sorry for the murderer when he gets what he deserves? Who would shed a tear?
In our passage today, Paul tells us God provides this same offer of "justification" (just as if I hadn't sinned) for all who choose to have faith in Jesus Christ. God did so "to demonstrate His justice." Unfortunately, too many people have better things to do than consider God's plan for redemption and eternal life. I guess career, vacations, relationships and other distractions are more important than eternity.
Questions to Ponder:
Would anyone in their right mind choose punishment for what they deserve?
God has offered His own Son as payment for our sin --
Have you accepted His incredible offer of forgiveness?
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