1 Thessalonians 5:11 (KJV)

Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (KJV)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Share your heavenly Father's love!

The Love of the Father - New Pocket Testament Gospel!
Too many men have forsaken their God-given mandate to exercise moral and spiritual leadership in the family, in their communities, and in business.
Is it any wonder that women are left to raise children on their own? That boys have no father-figure to guide them? That men in the workplace fail to stand up for fairness and justice for all? God created men to be strong.
Here's a story from one of those strong Christian men! Gary M., from Branford, Connecticut:
“I work in a business where many men do not know who Christ is. As one of the very few Christians there, I want to introduce others to have a relationship with Him and understand who our Savior is. I believe that the Pocket Testaments are a great way to introduce the subject of Christ, and the verses do the rest.”
Let’s get men back on the right track to being the husbands, fathers, brothers and friends God meant them to be.
Introduce them to the Gospel message, and let His Word do the rest!
Who should you share THE LOVE OF THE FATHER Gospel of John with?
Order now for Father’s Day! This gospel was printed in conjunction with our ministry partner Be a Better Dad Today!

Order Today!

The Love of the Father Gospel of John is sponsored
by Be a Better Dad Today!

Like all of our gospels, this gospel includes the Bridge illustration, suggested salvation prayer and decision page. It also features a QR code on the back cover that makes it easy to learn more about God by simply scanning the image with a mobile device


Friday, May 3, 2013

What difference can $25 make?

A League member donated $25, and here’s the difference it made in the life of Mike S.,
who lives in Bristol, Tennessee:

The opportunity to witness to many who may never hear God’s Word. “Thank you so very much for the sponsoring of the Pocket Testament Gospels of John for me. I am on disability and can afford very little. I do a wheelchair ministry in my hometown. I talk with people on the street, many who are homeless. This gives me an opportunity to witness to many who may never hear God’s Word. A lot of the people are very appreciative, as they may not have been given the chance before to hear the gospel message. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

A generous member enabled Mike to put God’s Word into the hands of the people he meets. That $25 donation is making a huge difference in Mike’s life, and in the lives of others!

Your gift of $25 will make a huge difference, too. Find out more about sponsorship now!

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