Remember when doctors used to make house calls? You have a few years behind you if you do! But it's not just doctors. Most of us say we don't have time to go out of our way for others; in fact, it's not even a priority anymore. Many of us have never met our neighbors, much less ever visited them, or know if they're hungry, suffering, in pain, or need someone to care.
But not everyone has forgotten. Not everyone has forgotten how to care. People like Diana O. from Kodak, Tennessee, remembers:
“I go out to the homebound, to nursing homes and poor areas, and I pray with people, bring clothing, and share Gospels of John. The Gospels give me an opportunity to make sure the people I visit not only receive love, but can read about God's love once I leave. It reminds them that they are not alone. God does make house calls, and He loves them enough to come to them.”
In a busy, time-strapped world, Diana has time because she makes time. And it's not just her time she's giving the people she visits, but she's giving them something the world needs even more of, and that's the Word of God. She carries and shares Pocket Testament Gospels of John so others can learn about the Great Physician who still makes house calls, Jesus Christ!
Will you take time to make a house call today? When you do, take along a Gospel of John. It's not only about time, it's about eternity! Order Gospels at
In Christ,

Michael W. Brickley
Pocket Testament League