1 Thessalonians 5:11 (KJV)

Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (KJV)

Friday, April 26, 2013

Have Life and Have it Abundantly

New Gospel: Just in Time for Summer!

Posted by The Pocket Testament League on Thu, Apr 25, 2013

"I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." - John 10:10

Summer is a time of abundant life! But even more abundant than nature’s bright skies and vibrant blooms is the life you have in Christ. In Him, the warmth of His love, the comfort of His forgiveness, and the sunshine of His joy are yours year-round!

Be sure to "LOOK INSIDE"

New Gospel: Just in Time for Summer!It’s impossible to give abundant life without abundant life coming back to you! Equip yourself for summer sharing with our new ABUNDANT LIFE Gospel of John available at www.ptl.org/gospels.

Order Today!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Home Known for Hospitality and Spirituality

Pocket Devotions

Acts 21:9
[Speaking of Philip] He had four unmarried daughters who prophesied.

Thoughts for Today:

The few words of our passage today tell us a lot about Philip and his family. We already know from our previous passage, they were a hospitable family (because Paul and his companions had been invited to stay with them); and today we catch a glimpse of their spiritual nature. How do we know about their spiritual nature? By the evidence presented: Philip "had four unmarried daughters [virgins] who prophesied."

Caesarea has been described by Biblical historians as "a wicked, sin-filled, hedonistic beach city, dominated by Gentiles." Yet Philip's daughters were identified as being pure -- virgins. Philip must have taught his daughters that, as Proverbs 6:32 declares, the person involved in sexual immorality destroys his/her own soul. Philip's daughters have also been described as each having the gift of prophecy which was one of the first century church's most valuable spiritual gifts. 1 Corinthians 14:1 "Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy." [Continued in verse 3] "Everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort." It is so important for us to stress within our own families the importance and blessing of purity and the spiritual gifts that follow and flow from it -- especially as our society bombards our children with messages about sexual promiscuity and permissiveness.

We were first introduced to Philip in Acts 6 as a dedicated worker; then later in Acts 8 as a dynamic preacher; now we see him in Acts 21 as a devoted father. I think there is a strong connection between the hospitality of Philip's home and the spirituality of his house. Philip lived to serve the Lord, and in this same way his daughters reflected his servant's heart.

Questions to Ponder:

What does the hospitality of your home and spirituality of your children say about you and your heart? For some, like Philip, it heaps volumes of praise upon us. For others -- well let's just say we hope everyone does not judge us by the actions of our children.
If we want to have a home more like Philip's (hospitable and spiritual), what can we do? Jesus gives us the answer in Matthew 6:33, "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." We can't protect our children from every negative influence out there, but we can surely lead by example.
What has your example been lately?
Are you seeking His kingdom?
Anything need to change?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

God at Work

Remember when doctors used to make house calls? You have a few years behind you if you do! But it's not just doctors. Most of us say we don't have time to go out of our way for others; in fact, it's not even a priority anymore. Many of us have never met our neighbors, much less ever visited them, or know if they're hungry, suffering, in pain, or need someone to care.

But not everyone has forgotten. Not everyone has forgotten how to care. People like Diana O. from Kodak, Tennessee, remembers:

“I go out to the homebound, to nursing homes and poor areas, and I pray with people, bring clothing, and share Gospels of John. The Gospels give me an opportunity to make sure the people I visit not only receive love, but can read about God's love once I leave. It reminds them that they are not alone. God does make house calls, and He loves them enough to come to them.”

In a busy, time-strapped world, Diana has time because she makes time. And it's not just her time she's giving the people she visits, but she's giving them something the world needs even more of, and that's the Word of God. She carries and shares Pocket Testament Gospels of John so others can learn about the Great Physician who still makes house calls, Jesus Christ!

Will you take time to make a house call today? When you do, take along a Gospel of John. It's not only about time, it's about eternity! Order Gospels at www.ptl.org/gospels.

In Christ,
Michael W. Brickley
Michael W. Brickley
Pocket Testament League

Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Message for the Church

'You are free to disagree with me if you care to, 
It is on my heart there is a need for a spiritual revival and a return to Jesus!
'"O Lord, pour out Your Spirit upon this dry and thirsty land!"'

Where is the passion for seeing people saved?
Where are our broken hearts over the lost?
Where is the love for the things of God?

Why hasn't there been a great awakening and/or revival in over fifty years ?
The Lord does say, therefore when you see these things ...
"Rejoice and know that our redemption draws near".

Perhaps the moment of Truth will soon arrive and will be upon our generation.
When was the last time we laid awake at night weeping over the lost ?
How many souls did you know that have already passed away without salvation ?

How many souls near to you that may too soon pass away without salvation ?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Be prepared to defend your faith.

“…Always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.”
- 1 Peter 3:15
You know the Bible has great verses on topics like forgiveness, jealousy, and sin. But when someone asks, are you ready to quickly find and share those verses? Where in the Bible is the golden rule, the great commission, and the Lord’s prayer? If you don’t know the answer – it’s okay.
By carrying a READY REFERENCE guide you can be ready to answer these questions and more by locating key Bible passages. This credit card size booklet folds out to reveal dozens of Bible verse references.
This is a must-have resource for Christ followers who dare to be ready to defend and explain their faith without notice.
We recommend pasting this into your Bible, putting a copy in your wallet, and carrying a copy with a supply of Pocket Testament Gospels.
Get equipped to defend your faith! Order a supply of READY REFERENCE guides today or ask a member of The Pocket Testament for a copy or become a member of The Pocket Testament League.
The Pocket Testament League

Thursday, April 4, 2013

What are you waiting for?

The Pocket Testament League Blog

Posted by The Pocket Testament League on Wed, Apr 03, 2013
Young Souls Are Hungry Spiritual Nourishment.As followers of Christ, we can't turn our heads any more. Too many kids are growing up without Christ. One child not knowing about God's love, mercy and forgiveness is one too many. But millions of kids are growing up without any sort of biblical knowledge – that's a national epidemic! Who's to blame?

God's Word says:
How are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? (Romans 10:14)

Robert H. from Boaz, Alabama, has heard God's Word, and he teaches kids about Christ. Here's what he says:
"I have found these pocket sized Gospels of John to be a great teaching tool. A lot of people, especially young people, are reaching for knowledge of our Savior and God. I ordered the children's Pocket Testaments and used them in Sunday school. A young one was saved when he read it! Glory to God!"

Young souls are hungry for the spiritual nourishment that will make them strong to stand against sin and temptation. Children are starving for genuine self-worth, life-purpose and a relationship with their heavenly Father. They're open and receptive to the knowledge that God's loves them and has good plans for them.

Unless we reach out, kids (and adults) may never discover the Good News of God's love. An easy way to share your faith is to hand someone a Pocket Testament Gospel of John. Order a supply of Pocket Testament Gospels today and when you do please donate so that we can print even more Gospels! Visit www.ptl.org/gospels

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What Reward Do You Seek?

Pocket Devotions

Day 344:

Acts 20:34
"You yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied my own needs and the needs of my companions."

Thoughts for Today:

Paul wasn't interested in getting paid for his ministry here on this earth; his was a kingdom reward. Despite the difficulty and challenge of supporting himself and his companions, Paul was more concerned that the message or salvation and redemption through Christ Jesus would not be influenced or prejudiced by his group's reliance on the Ephesians' generosity.

So what is a "Kingdom Reward"? In the thesis of his book, "The Law of Rewards", author Randy Alcorn answers this question, "While our faith determines our eternal destination, our behavior determines our eternal reward." He then provides us with eight principles:

1. Giving brings greater blessing than receiving.

2. When we invest money now in God's kingdom, we will receive greater rewards later in heaven.

3. God offers us rewards that are eternal, imperishable, and inexhaustible.

4. When we see our lives through the lens of eternity, our attitude toward wealth will change drastically.

5. Obeying God is not only right, it's smart. It will always pay off in the end.

6. We will have differing levels of reward in heaven, depending on our actions and choices on earth.

7. Desiring rewards is a proper motivation for serving Christ.

8. We are not to be motivated primarily by earthly power, possessions, and pleasures, yet we are offered all three in heaven if we invest now in God's kingdom.

For many Christians these are revolutionary ideas (although firmly supported with Scripture). Paul, the author of our passage today, writes in 1 Corinthians 9:25-27, "Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize." Paul was willing to do whatever was required on this earth to store up his heavenly reward ("the prize, the crown"). Are you?

Questions to Ponder:

Paul had a purpose, a kingdom purpose -- a kingdom reward and crown -- that was his motivation for everything he did.
What motivates you, the temporary reward of this world or the kingdom prize for all eternity?